Thursday, January 21, 2010

Making Progress

Last night, I met with my memoir writing instructor I had last quarter. She was returning the final essay I had written with her thoughts and comments. While she gave me positive feedback about the possible directions it could go and tension it provided, there are still a lot of things that need to be worked out.

I told her that my goal was to put all my essays together in a travel memoir and publish it. She seemed to like the idea, but I think she is nervous that I don't have enough material to work with, or enough direction. Either way, she gave me some memoir recommendations to read and study. If anything they would help me with the style and maybe even some ideas.

Then she told me to think about what I try to accomplish when I write. When I sit down to write something, what is the intended goal, what themes seem to keep coming up, and what do I hope to achieve. It seems like a pretty daunting task, but after I thought about it, I think it would really help me focus my work. I tend to try to fit so much into my writing that I lose the main point I was trying to get across.

So, I am going to go through that essay one more time and rip it to shreds. Then, I will post it on here and please feel free to comment.